We have a clear vision of becoming a high performing, competitive, resilient and growing business. You have a role to play in driving our transformation.
LTIP is a share plan designed to connect participants to our long-term success. LTIP is usually awarded each March to colleagues who are Level B and above.
It's a key part of our TotalReward package, rewarding contributions towards the achievement of our strategic objectives.
We issue you an award of shares based on a percentage of your salary divided by the share price at grant. You don't own the shares at this stage – instead you have a right to receive the shares at a specified date in the future (the unlocking date) if certain conditions are met.
There are T&Cs that apply, so you need to read the information provided and accept your award by the deadline date – see section 3 of our Q&A for more details about the acceptance process.
These shares will typically be locked for 3 years while you work towards personal and Group performance targets. During this time, the better you perform in your role, and the better Rolls-Royce performs, the more of your award will unlock.
At the end of the 3 years, we measure performance against personal and Group targets and confirm what percentage of your LTIP shares will unlock.
Assuming some or all your award will unlock, at that point you need to tell us what you'd like to do:
The shares become yours! Depending on the decision you've made at the 'choose' stage, either the net proceeds or net shares will be transferred to you.
For more details see the 'Unlock' section.
The number of shares that unlock is based on the extent to which Group performance targets are met over the course of the three-year period and also your personal performance.
Everyone should be having regular conversations with their leader about performance and development.
Each year, you'll receive a performance rating based on our five-point rating scale.
Once the three-year performance period ends, you'll have three year-end performance ratings. You'll keep your full award if none of your ratings are 'performance not as expected'. For each 'performance not as expected' rating, your award will be reduced by one-third.
Now that personal performance has been assessed, we'll factor in Rolls-Royce Group performance to determine how much of everyone's award will unlock. Performance will be measured over three financial years, January to December. The three-year period will begin on 1 January of the year you receive your award.
The 2025 targets relate to the following financial metrics:
(three-year cumulative)
Weighting: 30%
Threshold*: £9,234m
Maximum*: £10,434m
A fundamental KPI which helps to measure the level of value we are creating for our shareholders. It enables the business to fund growth, reduce debt and make shareholder distributions.
% (average over three-year performance period)
Weighting: 30%
Threshold*: 13.8%
Maximum*: 15.5%
Reflects the quality of performance and will encourage continued cost focus across the Group.
(50% versus the FTSE 100 constituents and 50% versus the S&P global industrials index constituents)
Weighting: 30%
Threshold*: Median
Maximum*: Upper quartile
Closely aligns executive pay outcomes with the shareholder experience, a measure favoured by a large proportion of our shareholder base.
Target to reduce Scope 1 + 2 greenhouse gas emissions (1 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2027 total cumulative emissions)
Weighting: 10%
Threshold*: 925 kTC02e
Maximum*: 757 kTC02e
Aligns executive pay outcomes with our commitment to reduce Scope 1 + 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 46% by 2030 (against a 2019 baseline).
* 'Threshold' – 20% vesting. 'Maximum' – 100% vesting.
The 2024 targets relate to the following financial metrics:
Assessed on a
three-year aggregate £ amount
A measure of the value we're creating. Enables the business to fund growth, reduce debt and make shareholder distributions.
Assessed on a
three-year average %
Reflects the quality of performance and encourages cost focus across the Group.
Assessed on a
three-year aggregate
Closely aligns management's reward to the shareholder experience. Our share price performance (and any shareholder distributions) is measured against the FTSE100 and the S&P Global Industrials Index.
Assessed on a
three-year average %
Reflects our ability to generate a return on our investments.
The 2023 targets relate to the following financial metrics:
Assessed on a
three-year aggregate £ amount
A measure of the value we're creating. Enables the business to fund growth, reduce debt and make shareholder distributions.
Assessed on a
three-year average %
Reflects the quality of performance and encourages cost focus across the Group.
Assessed on the average
achievement of these milestones across the Group
Reflects our commitment to reducing our emission footprint.
The 2022 targets relate to the following financial metrics:
Assessed on a
three-year aggregate £ amount
A measure of the value we're creating. Enables the business to fund growth, reduce debt and make shareholder distributions.
Assessed on a
three-year average %
Reflects the quality of performance and encourages cost focus across the Group.
Assessed on the average
achievement of these milestones across the Group
Reflects our commitment to reducing our emission footprint.
These metrics can change year on year. Further details about Group targets related to your specific award will be provided in your award letter. This is held on your Equiniti share account on your Executive dashboard under Documents > Grant letters.
Follow her LTIP journey through the key phases – award, performance and her choice when her shares unlock.
Anita has a base salary of £75,000. Considering her job level, she receives an LTIP award of 5% of her base salary. Let's assume our share price at the time is £5.
Here's what this looks like for her:
Salary | £75,000 |
Award value | £3,750 (£75,000 x 5%) |
Share price at Award | £5 per share |
Total Award | 750 shares (£3,750 ÷ £5) |
Anita's personal performance and our Group performance are measured. Anita has performed in two out of the three years, and the Group achieves 75% performance across its targets.
Here's what this means for her:
Anita's Personal performance ratings |
Impact on award | 66.6% of award is achieved (Subject to Group performance) |
Group performance | 75% achieved |
Impact on award | 374 shares will unlock (750 shares x 66.6% x 75%) |
Anita knows how many shares to expect, and can choose what to do with them. Considering her circumstances, she chooses to sell enough shares to cover any taxes she owes. She keeps her remaining shares, to own part of Rolls-Royce and share in its future.
Here's what her decision means for her:
Anita's choice | Sell shares to cover tax and keep the remaining to build on her shareholding |
Share price at unlock date | £6.25 (up 25% from award value of £5) |
Value of Anita's unlocked shares | £2,337.50 (374 shares x £6.25 share price) |
Dealing fees | 0.2% (min £35) |
Net amount | £2,302.50 (£2,337.50 - £35) |
Anita's tax rate | 42% |
Anita's estimated* tax withholding | £967.05 (£2,302.50 x 42%) |
Shares sold to cover tax and costs | 161 shares (£967.05 + £35 = £1,002.05) (£1,002.05 ÷ £6.25 share price) |
Shares kept | 213 shares (374 unlocked shares - 161 shares sold for tax) |
Value of shares kept | £1,331.25 (213 shares x £6.25 share price) |
* Withholding income tax and social security is only estimated by Payroll. There may be a difference once the transaction is processed. If there is a residual obligation you may need to report this via your annual return.
Please note: This is just an example, so the numbers are for demonstration purposes only. The Rolls-Royce share price can go down as well as up.
Three years from the award date, your award will unlock (the 'vesting date' in formal legal terms). This is subject to you delivering an acceptable level of personal performance and the extent to which Group performance targets are met, as well as you being in continuous employment until this date (see the 'Leavers' section of the Q&A, for more details about leaving Rolls-Royce).
We'll communicate with you prior to this date to ask you what you'd like to do with any shares that will unlock.
Assuming some or all your shares unlock, in most countries the value of your unlocked shares will be subject to tax and social security. Where applicable we will sell enough shares to cover this estimated amount and any dealing fees, but you need to decide and tell us what you'd like to do with the remaining shares. You can:
Sell enough shares to cover estimated tax, social security, and fees, then transfer the remaining shares to your Equiniti Global Nominee account.
Sell all available shares, with tax, social security, and fees deducted. The net proceeds will be paid to your nominated bank account.
We'll let you know when you can submit your instruction via your Equiniti share account, under 'My Investments' > 'Executive Awards' > 'Available Instructions' and then click on 'Elect Awards'.
The deadline to do this will be included in your communication at the time. If no action is taken, the default option is that we'll sell to cover taxes and the remainder will be transferred to your Global Nominee account.
You'll find more details about tax in the Employee Tax Sheet under the 'Resources' section.
If you leave before your LTIP shares unlock you will usually forfeit your award. However, if you leave because of redundancy, ill health, retirement or the business your work for is sold you may get some of your award, reflecting the time you were employed throughout this three-year period while the shares are locked. Any shares that you retain will unlock at the end of the three-year period and will remain subject to Group performance targets being met.
To find out how many shares you have retained you'll need to log in to your Equiniti share account. It will take up to six weeks following your leaving date for adjustments to be made.
Remember to update Equiniti with your personal email address so that they can communicate any changes and award outcomes with you. You can instruct a change of email address by emailing: equinitipremier1@equiniti.com.
Meet Jon
Jon was made an award in March 2024.
The award has a 3-year performance period, and is due to unlock in March 2027. Jon retires in 2026. His award will be treated as follows:
Adjustment for period employed
Plan period:
1 March 2024 (the award date) – 1 March 2027 (the date the award unlocks)
Retirement date:
1 March 2026
Jon's employment during the plan period:
Three years from the award date, 1 March 2027, the award will unlock. This is subject to you delivering an acceptable level of performance during the period that you were employed, and the extent to which Group performance targets are met.
When LTIP shares unlock then, where applicable, we will sell enough shares to cover the estimated amount of tax and social security as well as any dealing fees.
A contract note will be issued to your home address to confirm the details of the transaction, and the balance of shares will then be transferred to your Equiniti Global Nominee account.
When shares vest, the net shares (following the sale to cover any estimated taxes) are transferred to your Global Nominee account. You can retain your shares within the Global Nominee until the latest of the following dates:
At the end of this period you will need to either sell your shares or transfer them to a personal brokerage account. Equiniti will write to you to let you know your options and any action that you need to take at the appropriate time. For more information about how you transfer your shares to a personal brokerage account see the Q&A.
LTIP is a share plan designed to connect participants to our long-term success. LTIP is usually awarded each March to all colleagues at Level B and above.
We issue you an award of shares based on a percentage of your salary divided by the share price at grant. You don't own the shares at this stage – instead you have a right to receive the shares at a specified date in the future (the unlocking date) if certain conditions are met.
The shares will be locked for 3 years while we work towards our Group performance targets. During this time, the better you perform in your role, and the better Rolls-Royce performs, the more of your award will unlock.
A share plan is an opportunity for you to own part of the organisation you work for by owning shares. There are different features to different share plans, and LTIP is one of our plans.
We have a clear vision of becoming a high performing, competitive, resilient and growing business. You have a role to play in driving our transformation.
LTIP is awarded to leaders to connect them to the delivery of our strategic objectives and success. It's a key part of our TotalReward package, rewarding you when we win together. #WinningTogether
LTIP is an opportunity for you to own part of Rolls-Royce and share in our future success, subject to us achieving our targets.
No. You don't pay for your award when it's made or when you receive any unlocked shares. However, you may have income tax and social security to pay when any shares are unlocked, which is dependent on your country of residence.
LTIP is a discretionary share plan, typically awarded to colleagues at Level B and above.
We also make awards to a very limited number of colleagues (around 1% globally) nominated by their Leadership Teams – this is called the LTIP High Impact Award. Recipients of this award will consistently role-model our behaviours, and will be part of key talent groups, or have critical skills, or be consistently high performers.
No. LTIP is a discretionary reward – the Rolls-Royce Board has flexibility to decide when and to whom the reward is given, as well as the amount. Being issued an award in one year doesn't guarantee that you'll be issued future awards.
No. Shares awarded will only unlock after three years if we deliver on Group performance targets. During this time, the better Rolls-Royce performs, the more of your award will unlock.
Your personal performance can also impact the number of shares which will unlock – see section 4 for more details.
The number of shares you get will be based on a percentage of your salary, divided by the Rolls-Royce share price. We use the average closing share price over a number of days before the shares are awarded. The percentage of salary used is based on your Level:
Level A | Level B |
30% | 5% |
You can view all awards in your Equiniti share account. You'll need to access your portal here if you are outside of the Rolls-Royce IT network or if the single-sign on doesn't work in your location. You'll need your account number and password to log in. Once logged in, go to 'My Investments' > 'Executive Awards' > 'View Portfolio Breakdown' > 'Awards'.
We'll notify you by email once the award has been made. This email will direct you to your Equiniti portal where you will be able to see your award letter (along with any Group performance targets) and your award certificate. The award will be added to your portfolio under 'My Investments' > 'Executive Awards' > 'View Portfolio Breakdown' > 'Awards'.
No. LTIP awards are not pensionable or used in other reward calculations.
No. Any award is for you. If any shares unlock and you keep them, you may choose to transfer them at this stage.
Rolls-Royce pays all these associated set-up and administrative costs, as well as the costs for Equiniti's Share Account and Nominee services.
Yes. When you receive an award, you need to log into your Equiniti share account and accept the award, including all the terms and conditions. If you don't do this by the deadline – which will be confirmed in your award letter – the award will be revoked, and you will lose the right to receive any shares.
! This step is important as you are required to expressly agree to the terms & conditions of your award – including Malus and Clawback (for more details, see the 'Malus and Clawback Policy' under the 'Resources' section).
Each year you will be given a performance rating according to our five-point rating scale:
The release of any award is dependent on the extent to which you deliver an acceptable level of performance. Once the three-year performance period ends, you'll have three year-end performance ratings. You'll keep your full award if none of your ratings are 'performance not as expected'. For each 'performance not as expected' rating, your award will be reduced by one-third.
No. LTIP is intended to reward future performance.
Yes. Each year, you'll receive a performance rating based on our five-point rating scale. Once the three-year performance period ends, you'll have three year-end performance ratings. You'll keep your full award if none of your ratings are 'performance not as expected'. For each 'performance not as expected' rating, your award will be reduced by one-third.
Our performance metrics are mainly financial in nature. They each measure different aspects of the Group's financial performance and, collectively, they can provide insights into our financial health, profitability, and long-term sustainability.
For each metric, we set performance targets each year, as these are critical to achieving our strategic goals and delivering to our shareholders.
What metrics we use are decided prior to each award being made. To view the metrics of all active awards, see the 'Group performance' section.
The percentage weighting that applies to each metric varies according to Level. Details are provided in award letters, which are communicated via email.
For each award we make, targets are set for each of our metrics.
Details about Group targets related to your specific award will be provided in your award letter. This is held on your Equiniti share account on your Executive dashboard under Documents > Grant letters.
The targets will also align with those disclosed to shareholders in our Annual Report in relation to those set for the CEO and CFO.
Our performance against the set metrics is assessed at the end of the three-year performance period.
Typically there is a 'threshold' target and a 'maximum' target for each metric. If the 'threshold target' is met then 20% of the shares related to that metric will unlock, and if the 'maximum target' is met then 100% of the shares will unlock. Each metric is independent of the others.
The number of shares that will unlock may also be impacted by your personal performance.
Each of our performance metrics is vital to our long-term success. However, we recognise that different role Levels have varying impacts on each metric.
For example, the Return on Capital metric in the 2024 LTIP is more influenced by capital allocation decisions taken at Executive Level, so it only applies to them. Meanwhile, Free Cash Flow is affected by all Levels of leaders.
As a result, metrics maybe weighted differently depending on your Leadership Level. This means that each metric contributes differently to how many shares will unlock at the end of the three-year performance period. Achieving the metric with the highest weighting for your Level will have a bigger impact on the number of shares that unlock than the lowest weighted metric – but to unlock 100% of your shares, all metric targets must be met.
How many shares that unlock is directly influenced by our cumulative performance over the three-year performance period. The better Rolls-Royce does, the better our award outcome.
The performance metrics will generally be reported on when we provide shareholder updates at year end and mid-year results. In addition, to ensure you keep up to date on how we are performing against our company targets, we deliver online presentations regularly to leaders which includes progress of all active LTIP awards. We'll email you and invite you to these sessions.
While your shares are locked you won't be able to vote or receive shareholder distributions/dividends. Once your shares have unlocked you will be a shareholder and have full shareholder rights.
Yes. The number of shares you receive determined by a % of your salary divided by the share price when the award is made. The value of those shares will fluctuate over the three-year performance period as the market value of Rolls-Royce shares changes. If our performance improves, so should the value of your shares. The final financial impact will ultimately depend on the share price when you sell them.
The administration and operation may change during its lifetime, which can potentially include adjustments to performance metrics and targets attached to the Award. However, this is uncommon and only occurs should material unforeseen circumstances arise. Any changes must be in line with the Plan Rules. If this happens, we will inform you at the relevant time.
Awards may also be cancelled or reduced if certain conditions are triggered, such as a significant downturn in Group performance, misconduct by an employee, or financial restatements. This action is called Malus and more details can be found in our 'Malus and Clawback Policy' which can be found under the 'Resources' section.
During the three-year performance period, Rolls-Royce may go through a corporate event, such as a takeover. Other types of events may also have a material effect on our share price. If this happens, the Remuneration Committee of Rolls-Royce (Holdings) Plc will make an appropriate decision at that time and communicate in writing to explain how it will impact your award.
If you leave before the shares unlock you will usually forfeit your award. However, if you leave because of redundancy, ill health, retirement or the business your work for is sold you may get some of your award, reflecting the time you were employed throughout this three-year period while the shares are locked. Any shares that you retain will unlock at the end of the three-year period and will remain subject to Group performance targets being met.
You need to log in to your Equiniti share account to view your award. It will take up to six weeks following you leaving date for adjustments to be made. Ensure you keep your contact details updated, so we can communicate any changes and award outcomes.
Once you leave the Company please update your email address. To do so, please contact: equinitipremier1@equiniti.com
You may get some of your award, reflecting the time you were employed throughout this three-year period while the shares are locked. Any shares that you retain will unlock at the end of the three-year period and will remain subject to Group performance targets being met.
You'll need to log in to your Equiniti share account. Go to 'My Investments'; 'Executive Awards' and then 'Awards', and you'll see how many shares have been lapsed and how many have been retained. It will take up to six weeks following your leaving date for adjustments to be made.
To ensure that you continue to receive communications relating to your in-flight LTIP shares from Equiniti it is very important that you update your personal e-mail address. You can instruct this by e-mailing equinitipremier1@equiniti.com.
When LTIP shares unlock then where applicable we will sell enough shares to cover the estimated amount of tax and social security as well as any dealing fees.
A contract note will be issued to your home address to confirm the details of the transaction, and the balance of shares will then be transferred to your Equiniti Global Nominee account.
You can retain your shares within the Global Nominee until the latest of the following dates:
At the end of this period you will need to either sell your shares or transfer them to a personal brokerage account. Equiniti will write to you to let you know your options and any action that you need to take at the appropriate time.
You can retain your shares within the Global Nominee until the latest of the following dates:
At the end of this period you will need to either sell your shares or transfer them to a personal brokerage account. Equiniti will write to you to let you know your options and any action that you need to take at the appropriate time.
Complete the 'Change of personal details' form held in the 'Resources' section and e-mail it to nominee@equiniti.com.
Any in-flight awards will be pro-rated to reflect your employment during the relevant three-year period.
In most cases any in-flight shares will unlock as soon as the beneficiaries have been confirmed, and these shares along with any shares in the Global Nominee will transfer to the beneficiary. Before unlocking, any in-flight plans will be pro-rated to the extent to which performance conditions are met, using the most recent LTIP projections to determine the vesting %. In a small number of cases, where the combined value of the LTIP awards and the shares in the Global Nominee exceeds a limit set by the Company, Equiniti will contact the named contacts of the estate and will wait for probate to complete prior to transferring ownership of the shares to the beneficiaries.
Our Reward Team oversees LTIP and has appointed specialist Share Plan Administrators to administer it on our behalf. They provide you with the tools you need – giving you access to your own online account to see your shares and, once they unlock, manage them. We're working with Equiniti Limited ('Equiniti').
When you receive an LTIP award for the first time we will create an Equiniti account for you. If you already have an Equiniti account your shares will be added to your existing account.
You can view and monitor all your shares in your Equiniti share account. You'll be able to see how many shares you have, their estimated current value and, if your shares are locked, how long you need to wait until they unlock, subject to performance targets being met.
You can view all awards in your Equiniti share account. You'll need access your portal here if you are outside of the Rolls-Royce IT network. You'll need your account number and password to log in. Once logged in, go to 'My Investments' > 'Executive Awards' > 'View Portfolio Breakdown' > 'Awards'.
You'll receive updates and notifications from Equiniti by email or through their portal. To make sure you get these updates, keep your contact details up to date on your share account. This is particularly important if you don't have a Rolls-Royce work email and use a personal email address. To update your account with your personal e-mail address e-mail: equinitipremier1@equiniti.com.
No, you can only manage shares acquired from Rolls-Royce share plans in your account.
In 2022, we changed share plan administrator from Computershare (the EquatePlus platform), to Equiniti Limited. You can still access your historical Computershare account via single-sign on to view award details for 2020 and earlier years. This is helpful to see the 'base/purchase price' of an award for tax purposes to calculate any capital gains.
You can access your EquatePlus account here if the single sign-on does not work in your location or if you are outside the Rolls-Royce IT network. You'll need your account number and password to log in. If you do not know your EquatePlus account number or password, please follow the instructions on the screen.
In very rare circumstances we may reduce or cancel your award before any shares unlock – 'Malus'. We may apply Malus for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
Please refer to our 'Malus and Clawback Policy' under the 'Resources' section for more details and for a complete list of the Malus triggers.
Awards typically unlock three years from the award date – this is also known as the 'vesting date'. Awards will only unlock if performance conditions are met, you are still employed on the date that the shares unlock, and your personal performance is in line with policy (see section 4).
In short, Group performance, personal performance and continued employment.
If all your three year-end performance ratings are above 'performance not as expected' on our five-point rating scale, then you're potentially eligible for all your shares to unlock. Then comes Group performance – if our set targets against our key metrics are met anywhere between the Threshold and Maximum target levels, then a percentage between 20% and 100% of our award will unlock on a sliding scale.
Once the assessment is complete, we'll communicate the outcome to you.
Your LTIP award will be pro-rated if you've taken a sabbatical. If you've had a period of family leave or sick leave that extends for more than one calendar year then your in-flight LTIPs will be pro-rated to reflect the period that you've been absent over and above the one-year period.
In most countries the value of your unlocked shares will be subject to tax and social security. Where applicable we will sell enough shares to cover this estimated amount and any dealing fees, but you will need to decide and tell us what you'd like to do with the remaining shares. We will write to you shortly before the award is due to be unlocked to explain that you can:
Please note that you will be charged a commission of 0.2% (with a minimum fee of £35) for the sale of any shares, including those sold to cover your tax and social security liability, if applicable. If you're transferring your funds to a bank account outside of the UK there will be a charge of £25.
The options you have will only be made available to you shortly before the award is due to unlock.
Submit your instruction via your Equiniti share account, under 'My Investments' > 'Executive Awards' > 'Available Instructions' and then click on 'Elect Awards'. The deadline to do this will be included in you communication at the time. If no action is taken, the default option is that we'll sell to cover taxes.
You'll find more details about tax in the Employee Tax Sheet under the 'Resources' section.
If you don't make a choice by the deadline set out in the communications you receive, the default option will apply.
On the date that the shares unlock (or the following business day if the unlocking date falls on a weekend or UK public holiday), sufficient shares will be sold to cover your estimated tax and social security liabilities, plus any commission and dealing fees. If there are a very large number of shares to be sold to complete the trade then the sale process may take more than one business day.
The settlement date of the remaining shares will be three business days after the unlocking date, and the balance of the shares will then be transferred to your Equiniti Global Nominee account within five business days from the settlement date.
On the date that the shares unlock (or the following business day if the unlocking date falls on a weekend or UK public holiday), sufficient shares will be sold to cover your estimated tax and social security liabilities, plus any commission and dealing fees. If there are a very large number of shares to be sold to complete the trade then the sale process may take more than one business day.
The settlement date of the remaining shares will be three business days after the unlocking date, and the balance of the shares will then be transferred to your Equiniti Global Nominee account within five business days from the settlement date. This means that it can be 10 working days from the date that the shares unlock for the shares to reach your account.
On the date that the shares unlock (or the following business day if the unlocking date falls on a weekend or UK public holiday), all of your shares will be sold. If there are a very large number of shares to be sold to complete the trade then the sale process may take more than one business day.
Your trade will settle three business days after the shares are sold. Some of the funds will be retained to settle your estimated tax and social security liabilities, plus any dealing fees. Please then allow 3-5 business days for UK payments, or 7-10 business days for overseas payments for the remaining proceeds to reach your account.
When your LTIP unlocks, Equiniti will arrange to sell shares to cover the tax liabilities (sell to cover) for everyone with unlocked LTIP shares. This usually involves many shares being sold and can often take two days to complete.
After any shares have been sold to cover tax, your remaining shares will settle three business days from the date the sale completes (5 working days from the unlock date).
Once your shares have been settled, the balance will then be transferred automatically to your Equiniti Global Nominee account within five business days (10 days from the unlock date).
This means that you will need to allow up to 10 business days for your unlocked shares to reach your account.
Usually you don't need to request permission to deal before submitting this instruction. Any approval required will be requested and managed on your behalf as part of the process.
We'll let you know if you personally need to request clearance to deal.
If you wish to trade any shares in future, please note that clearance to deal requirements may apply. If you have any queries regarding clearance to deal, please contact GovernanceTeam@rolls-royce.com.
As a listed company which trades shares on a public stock exchange, we are required to maintain Insider Lists. These identify individuals who have access to inside, non-public information about Rolls-Royce – and if it were, may have an impact on our share price.
You must never deal or encourage someone else to trade Rolls-Royce shares on the basis of inside information. Using inside information about the Rolls-Royce may give an unfair advantage, and making an investment in these circumstances would be a criminal offence. This means there may be periods where you'll be restricted from trading.
More details are available in our Share Dealing Policy under the 'Resources' section.
Yes, once your award is unlocked and any withholding tax is settled, you can transfer some or all your remaining shares from the Global Nominee into a different brokerage account at any time, subject to an administration fee.
The process is two way – you need to instruct Equiniti to transfer the shares. Equiniti will then contact the broker that you want to transfer the shares to, and they must be ready to receive them. To do this you'll need to complete the relevant Share Transfer Request Form, which is available on the Equiniti Portal, and send it by email (using the email address that Equiniti hold for you in your account) to gsppqueries@equiniti.com. You'll need to include:
Upon receipt of the required details, Equiniti will initiate the transfer and will confirm to you when the shares have been accepted by the bank/broker/custodian.
Remember to check with your local broker whether they can receive Rolls-Royce shares from Equiniti before you initiate the process.
Yes. If you sell your shares the costs are taken from the sale amount, meaning you'll receive the value of the shares you've sold, minus any costs. If you transfer your shares you'll pay a transaction fee. Details of these fees will be made available to you before your shares unlock and before you instruct any transaction.
Any fees associated with the sale or transfer of shares are payable to Equiniti. Rolls-Royce does not take any fees from colleagues in connection with these.
In very rare circumstances we may recover shares or profits from any sale after shares have unlocked – 'Clawback'. We may apply clawback for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
Please refer to our 'Malus and Clawback Policy' under the 'Resources' section for more details and a complete list of situations when Clawback may apply.
Typically, there is no income tax or social security to pay when an award is made. It is usually when the shares unlock that income tax and social security is due.
You'll usually may have to pay tax and social security at this stage depending on your country of residence and their tax requirements. You'll find more details about tax in the Employee Tax Sheet under the 'Resources' section.
Please remember that neither Rolls-Royce nor Equiniti are allowed to give you financial advice, so if you need any advice on your tax position or any local requirements, you should seek independent regulated professional advice.
In countries where we have a legal obligation to withhold tax and/or social security, your local payroll team will calculate an estimated tax and social security rate. Equiniti will then sell enough shares to cover the estimated with holdings and will pass through payroll to cover your estimated tax and social security obligations. This process is referred to as 'sell to cover' and in most instances this will ensure that most of the tax and social security obligations are met. However, there may be some adjustments required as part of your annual tax return process.
We are only able to 'sell to cover' an estimated tax and social security contribution value and it's your responsibility to understand if any additional taxes are due.
However, in some countries 'sell to cover' is not possible so all taxes need to be managed through an individual's tax return. Please be aware this is a personal responsibility, and the value of your unlocked shares may impact your tax bracket/scale/band.
You'll find more details about tax and filing requirements in the Employee Tax Sheet under the 'Resources' section.
Possibly, yes – this depends on your country of residence. You'll find more details about tax reporting requirements in the Employee Tax Sheet under the 'Resources' section. If you have any doubts about your tax and / or reporting obligations, please seek independent financial advice.
If you keep Rolls-Royce shares and sell them in the future for a higher market price, making a profit, you may need to pay tax on any gain you make. You'll find more details about tax in the Employee Tax Sheet under the 'Resources' section.
Please remember that neither Rolls-Royce nor Equiniti are allowed to give you financial advice, so if you need any advice on your tax position or any local requirements, you should seek independent regulated professional advice.
In a very limited number of countries, we can't provide shares because of local compliance restrictions, complexity or cost. In these locations we will provide a cash alternative.
If you're in one of these countries, you'll receive the cash equivalent of your award, using the share price at the time to calculate the cash value.
You will need to follow the same award acceptance process to accept the same terms and conditions as the share award. The cash award will be aligned to the same Company performance targets and will use the same award and vest prices and dates.
Your cash equivalent award will be subject to tax and social security according to the tax regulations in the country where you live.
You may come across legal terms in other resources on your share account, or in the LTIP rules, so here are some definitions to help you navigate these:
Enables Rolls-Royce to recover unlocked shares (or cash if the unlocked shares have been sold) if certain circumstances were to arise. More details are available in our 'Malus and Clawback Policy' which can be found under the 'Resources' section.
Your nominee provided by Equiniti where unlocked shares can be held electronically without cost to you. Available for employee share plans only.
Performance of Rolls-Royce (Holdings) Plc.
An additional holding period of two-years once shares are unlocked, designed to strengthen the alignment between the individual's interests and those of shareholders, promote long-term value creation, and support sound corporate governance practices. This currently only applies to the CEO and CFO on the Rolls-Royce Board.
Information about Rolls-Royce that has yet to be made public – and if it were, would likely have an impact on our share price. More details are available in our 'Share Dealing Policy' under the 'Resources' section.
Long-Term Incentive Plan.
Gives Rolls-Royce the ability to reduce an award before shares unlock if certain circumstances were to arise. More details are available in our 'Malus and Clawback Policy' which can be found under the 'Resources' section.
Things that are critical to achieving our strategic goals and delivering to our shareholders. We currently have four metrics which our performance targets are set against: Free Cash Flow, Operating Margin, and Relative Total Shareholder Return – plus Return on Capital for Executive Level only.
The period during which our Group performance impacts your award. This is usually three-years and starts on 1 January in the year you receive your award.
For each award we make, we set targets for each of our metrics. Details about Group targets related to your specific award will be provided in your award letter. This is held on your Equiniti share account on your Executive dashboard under Documents > Grant letters.
The percentage weighting that applies to each metric. This determines how much each target contributes to the overall calculation of shares that will unlock. The higher-weighted metrics have a greater impact on the final how many shares will unlock when assessing performance against it.
A set of rules which govern how we operate our LTIP. These are approved by our shareholders.
A select number of the Rolls-Royce (Holdings) Plc Board who collectively are responsible for setting and overseeing the reward policies and packages for Leaders, ensuring they align with Group strategic goals and shareholder interests.
The date when shares unlock, subject to meeting set performance targets and still being employed by Rolls-Royce.
Equiniti are our specialist Share Plan Administrator, who manage LTIP on our behalf. They provide an online portal, giving you a personal online account.
This is where you can:
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Clicca semplicemente qui per accedere al tuo account azionario Equiniti.
Visita il sito:
Clicca su "Registrati" e inserisci il tuo numero di conto Equiniti*
Segui passo per passo la procedura che troverai nella nostra guida pratica per maggiori dettagli.
* Numero di conto: Puoi trovare il numero di conto nella lettera/email di benvenuto e in tutte le comunicazioni precedenti da parte di Equiniti.
Non hai ricevuto il tuo numero di conto? Contattaci usando i dettagli nella sezione "Assistenza" qui di seguito.
If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, complete the form below.
If you have any questions about your share account, including how to access, contact Equiniti.
Call (UK and Intl):
+44 (0) 333 207 6388
The Contact Centre is open 8:30am – 5:30pm UK time Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in England and Wales.